Judging Trump


Most of the coverage of President Trump has created a false image of the man via countless criticisms, lies/ hoaxes, use of unfair emotionally charged terminology, and by focusing on his personality and behavior in a negative way. The Media, Academia, and Online Bias and Trump Hoaxes web pages at this site have proved this.

The real Donald Trump is a successful businessman who has built many of the world’s greatest properties. For decades he has been talking about how the country needed a business-like leader and how he would solve some of the problems.

He has put himself and his family at great personal risk to become President.

He’s doing what he can for America and Americans, including keeping Americans safe and improving the lives of all Americans by creating a better economy and improving international agreements.

His personality and behavior can often be viewed in positive terms. Any perceived flaw pales in comparison to his accomplishments.

His actions indicate that he is genuinely interested in and focused on helping improve America for all Americans. His results indicate he is very good at getting that done. (See the lengthy list of accomplishments in the Discussion below.) Considering that he has had almost no Democrat support since he took office, his performance could not have been better. That’s what really counts when judging a president.


1. False Negative Coverage

A rational judgment of President Trump is not possible until his negative media coverage, much of it false, is fully understood.

This site’s Media, Academia, and Online Bias web page proved the anti-Trump bias of Mainstream Media, academia, and major online companies. It’s also obvious that many influential entertainment celebrities are very liberal and not fans of the President.

As a result of this bias, American voters who don’t watch Fox News or follow conservatives on Twitter have been constantly fed a false image of the man. This has been done via countless criticisms, lies/ hoaxes, use of unfair emotionally charged terminology, and by focusing on his personality and behavior in a negative way.

The lies and hoaxes are debunked in this site’s Trump Hoaxes web page. Some highlights:

He did not mock a reporters’ disability, he did not call neo-Nazi’s and white Nationalists very fine people, he did not tell four Congresswomen to “go back where they came from,” he did not initiate a “Muslim Ban,” he did not collude with Russia, he does not “cozy up” to despots, he is not anti-immigrant, he a not a racist.

Here are some examples of unfair emotionally charged labels and slogans designed to smear him:

• “Ripping” children from their mothers” used to describe enforcing a law signed by Bill Clinton and enforced for 8 years under Barack Obama,

• “tax cuts for the rich” (used when he cut taxes for everyone paying taxes),

• “we’re a nation of immigrants” (used to justify illegal immigration)

• “Muslim ban” used to describe a terrorist ban

Here’s an example of focusing on unimportant aspects of his personality and behavior in a negative way:

MSM has attacked him mercilessly on how he talked about the need for border control and not on the fact that it’s a good idea. Watch this clip from this site’s Border Control/Immigration web page to see several major Democrats agreeing with him that we need to:

  • stop illegal immigration and enforce the rule of law because they’re taking our jobs, lowering our wages and putting a burden on our public services and taxpayers,

  • secure our borders with more border guards and physical barriers if necessary

  • step up deportation especially of criminals

  • crack down on illegal hiring,

  • bar welfare benefits to illegal immigrants,


The purpose of the rest of this section is to view and explain his personality and behavior in an unbiased way with more emphasis on what’s really important—his accomplishments.

2. The Real Donald Trump--Background and Motivations

Growing up, he went to church every Sunday. His minister was Norman Vincent Peale, the author of one of the most famous self -help books in history, The Power of Positive Thinking. So every Sunday, and during the week from his dad, he heard things like “Keep your mind filled with positive thoughts,” and “Mistakes aren’t mistakes, they’re learning experiences.” This kind of training helps explain why he tends to exaggerate his achievements and doesn’t dwell on mistakes.

Exaggerating achievements is typical of most leaders. It’s a good thing because it creates positive energy.

During the course of his 50-year career in business he learned a lot about negotiation, making deals, the difference between good deals and bad deals, and in general how to get big complex projects done. Isn’t that what you want from a president?

In 2015 he could have retired and spent his life with his beautiful wife, his young son, his other children and his grandchildren living in New York and traveling to his 30+ hotels, resorts and golf courses around the world.

But in his career he had seen our government doing things that were bad for America and bad for Americans. In many ways the United States federal government is like a business. Our founding fathers saw it that way. They believed in a limited federal government whose main job was to decide how to allocate their tax revenues to provide national security and deal with interstate commerce and other common issues.

But now our federal government is the biggest business in the world with 3 trillion dollars of annual revenue. Donald Trump saw a lot of this being misspent so he decided to run for president and bring a businessman’s perspective to running America.

Here he is in 1980 talking about how improving America requires a CEO type of person as President. (See 0:00-0:38 and 1:52-3:00)


Here he is in 1987 talking about some things he saw our country doing wrong: In particular, the low-income housing problem and letting other countries rip us off. (See 5:35-6:32 and17:29-19:20)


There were personal motivations as well. He realized how privileged he had been to be born rich in America, and he wanted to give back to the country that had been so good to him.

He has put himself at great risk to do this. Everyone’s seen how much the far left hates him. No human being in history has been so vilified by his own country. Democrats who loved him and his money for decades—the Clintons attended his wedding—suddenly started attacking him. And horrible, disgusting things have been said about his wife, daughter and son.

But he has persevered because he knows his business experience can help America and Americans.

Keep this in mind. Unlike almost all other politicians, he doesn’t owe anybody anything—he owes nothing to campaign donors or lobbyists. So he can do what he thinks is right. Every day he decides what to do by asking the question “What can I do that would be good for America and Americans?”

His critics on the Left and in the Leftist media don’t seem to understand why he’s so focused on putting America first. They attacked him for saying he’s a “Nationalist.” He wasn’t talking about ethnic or racist nationalism. He merely meant he puts America first. There isn’t a leader in the world who doesn’t put their country first. According to the Constitution, that’s his job. The first three words in the Constitution are “We the people.” That means the American people. The Constitution is all about America and Americans. It grants no rights to people from other countries.

As president, his highest priority is to keep our country safe. The first sentence of the Constitution includes the words “provide for the common defense.” That’s why he’s taken such a strong stance on border control. We have to know who’s coming into our country. And he’s worked on establishing relationships with North Korea, Russia and Iran to reduce the possibility of nuclear war.

See this site’s Border Control/Immigration web page for more detail about the necessity of his immigration policies.

His second highest priority is our economy. See this site’s Economy/Trade/Tariffs web page for more details about the following:

  • A lot of problems are solved when everyone who wants a job has one.

  • Democrats want to give President Obama credit for the economic recovery and stock market gains of 2009-2016, but that was correlation, not causation.

  • President Trump and Republicans deserve a tremendous amount of credit for the current economy and stock market with record low unemployment for all categories of race and gender.

  • President Trump cut the individual tax rate so everyone paying taxes could keep more of their money. He encouraged business expansion with a new tax law that allows businesses first year expensing of equipment and other property purchases. He cut the corporate tax rates and the tax on money corporations bring back from overseas so businesses would have more money to pay their employees, invest in expansion, and create more jobs here in America.

  • With the economy strong, he could afford to adopt an aggressive approach with China to reduce their unfair trade practices which have increased their power in the world at our expense.

See this site’s Climate Change web page to understand what the real issues are and why he’s taken the positions he has, in particular withdrawing from the Paris Climate accord. (Summary: President Trump pulled out of the Paris climate accord, framing it as an economic decision that is independent of the science. We had committed to spending billions of dollars for very little impact on future temperatures. Meanwhile China, our biggest world rival could operate under much looser standards.)

Even with no Democrat help from Congress, the president made significant improvements to the nation's healthcare systems. This site has the details of how he:

  1. Empowered American patients by greatly expanding healthcare choices.

  2. Issued unprecedented reforms that dramatically lowered the price of prescription drugs

  3. Promoted research and innovation in healthcare to ensure that American patients have access to the best treatment in the world.

  4. Protected our nation's seniors by safeguarding and strengthening Medicare.

  5. Brought unprecedented attention and support to combat the opioid crisis.


He’s helped all Americans. In particular groups that have often been persecuted:

From this link:


We see that in a world where concrete achievements count, Trump is our most “progressive” president ever.

Blacks: Unemployment at lowest level ever, major prison reform backed by leaders of the African-American community, pardoned the late boxer Jack Johnson, whom Barack Obama neglected, elevated a new generation of black conservatives in public life. (And he released Alice Marie Johnson from prison.)

Jewish: Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the U.S. embassy there. He deported a Nazi who had lingered in the U.S. under Obama. He directed the FBI to solve the mystery of bomb threat hoaxes haunting the community. He is the first president with close Jewish relatives — his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren.

Gays: Trump championed gay voices within the GOP since his campaign, when he backed Peter Thiel at the Republican National Convention. In this clip, Richard Grenell, who Trump made the first openly gay Cabinet member, says Trump is the most pro-gay president in American history. He discusses how Trump launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality. He also says Joe Biden has attacked the LGBT community for four decades, by saying gay people shouldn't receive security clearances, by supporting "Don't ask, don't tell" and the Defense of Marriage Act, by threatening to cut off federal funds to any school that teaches acceptance of homosexuality, and by saying he didn't support gay marriage.


More facts related to minorities:

President Trump, without Democrat support, has created 9000 revitalized neighborhood “opportunity zones” where 8 million black Americans live.

As of August 2018 small business ownership among black Americans has jumped 400% since his election.


At this link:


Black voices for trump at an MLK event January 2019 say the president’s policies are continuing Dr. King’s legacy and improving their communities. Group leaders say the president is pro-growth and is empowering them through his actions. They cite low unemployment and poverty rates for African Americans as a reason to celebrate.

Here a Univision (a Spanish language network) anchor acknowledges trump has been good for Latinos


On July 9, 2020, President Trump signed an executive order for the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative. This initiative is focused on improving educational and economic opportunities for Hispanic Americans. A new Advisory Commission will advise President Trump on ways to promote apprenticeships, internships, fellowships, and other pathways to in-demand jobs for Hispanic Americans.

He wants what the American people want. Strong national security, a strong economy, affordable health care, immigration laws that are good for the people already here and the immigrants coming in legally. And he’s going to keep working toward those goals even though he’s been obstructed every step of the way by all the Democrats in Congress, liberal judges blocking his executive orders, non-stop demonizing by the left-wing media, a phony Russian collusion investigation, and an unjustified impeachment.

3. Personality/Behavior

References for Section 3:

Ref 1 Win Bigly—Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter, Scott Adams

Ref 2 Things Your Anti-Trump Friends Don’t Understand


Ref 3 What if Donald Trump is the Steve Jobs of politics?


The best analysis of President Trump’s personality and behavior has been done by Scott Adams, creator of the cartoon Dilbert, in his book Win Bigly—Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter. Adams is an expert in persuasion and his book includes 31 persuasion tips. He recognizes Trump as a genius at persuasion and evaluates him primarily through that lens.

The following explanations of President Trump’s personality and behavior rely heavily on Adams' book with some contributions from References 2 and 3.

Soon after Trump announced his candidacy, the media was calling him a narcissistic blowhard with inadequate credentials to lead a country. But Adams soon realized that this assessment was not consistent with Trump’s string of successes. There was one after another as Trump pulled away from the other Republicans and was nominated as the Republican candidate for president. Adams began to see Trump as a flawed yet highly capable man trying to make a positive difference on the country.

Adams described his skills this way. “He amassed an impressive set of complementary skills over his lifetime that would make him successful at almost anything he did, from hosting reality TV shows, to running for president. Notice that he is a good public speaker with a strong understanding of persuasion, politics, business strategy, and more. Add all of that to his sense of humor, his energy, his ability to endure brutal criticism, and his natural intelligence, and you have super-powerful person who can succeed in a lot of different ways.

In Ref. 3 Jeremy Hildreth describes these Trump characteristics that he shares with Steve Jobs:

• An obsessive, workaholic disposition supported by abundant stamina and energy.

• An astronomical self-belief

• A working philosophy that vision, emotion, and essence are more pragmatic than facts, arguments, and particulars.

Here are some specific criticisms with responses.

Exaggerates and is not always factually correct. Adams: “Some of this is due to his spontaneous freewheeling.”

Some is deliberate. He knows if he includes errors in his claims, people will spend hours talking about the error and indirectly the claim, making the claim (and him) more important and memorable. During the presidential campaign, he used this technique to dominate the news cycle. From Ref. 2: For example, when President Trump talks and tweets about how U.S. economic growth is the “best ever,” he knows that’s not quite true. But he also knows that if he simply said it’s the best in 10-15 years, no one in the general news media will report it. So instead, he tricks them all into writing and broadcasting extensive stories about how he “lied” and the economy is “only” growing at the best levels in more than a decade.”

On a related note:

Seems to ignore facts whenever they are inconvenient. Scott Adams says this is because sometimes facts are weaker persuasion than other techniques, such as being provocative. Scott adds, “But Trump tends to be directionally accurate on the important stuff, and the little stuff never seems to matter.”

Takes extreme positions, for example on immigration, “the wall,” etc. Adams: That is classic deal making. You start with a big first demand and negotiate back to your side of the middle.” This technique helps ensure you get what you really want, and the other side feels like they won something.

A predilection for using superlatives to describe everything he does (the best… you’re gonna love it… it’s revolutionary). (A trait he shares with Steve Jobs.)3 Scott Adams call this bluster and self-complimenting. But it’s by design—another persuasive technique. Adams: “The rational part of your brain thinks this guy is an obnoxious, exaggerating braggart. But the subconscious parts of your brain (the parts that make most of your decisions) only remember that something about that guy was fabulous, amazing and great.”

Appears not to have a detailed understanding of the more complicated issues. Adams: “I saw it as Trump recognizing that people don’t use facts and reason to make decisions. A skilled persuader can blatantly ignore facts and policy details so long as the persuasion is skillful. … His supporters trusted him to dig into the details once elected. He branded himself as a flexible leader who would work out the details after election.”

Talks like a 6th grader. Adams: “All of the people who have my same training (in persuasion) – the linguists, the cognitive scientists – they’ll tell you the same thing. His simple, repetitive language is easy to quote, it’s viral, it’s easy to understand. People just eat it up. That was one of his biggest strengths.”

Short attention span. He’s good at knowing what matters and what doesn’t. Makes decisions quickly. Adams:

“Most writers and TV news people have never been leaders in super-complicated industries. President Trump has. And (these are) a few necessary skills a leader in that situation needs to possess:

1. No patience with long explanations. If an advisor can’t put the USEFUL information in summary form, ignore and move to the next advisor.

2. Ability to know which variables are sufficient to make the decision”.

Cozies up to dictators.” He believes establishing a relationship with such dictators as Putin and Kim Jong Un is the best way to make deals good for America—the highest priority being avoiding nuclear war. One of the most important things in deal making is establishing a relationship with the other side—a relationship that includes as a minimum some respect and trust.

Never apologizes. He knows when he makes a mistake, but his “power of positive thinking” philosophy is not to dwell on it, learn from it, and do better the next time.

Attacks people personally, sometimes offensively. People he attacks have either attacked him first or exhibited what he believes to be incompetence, something he has no patience for. Because he’s extremely positive and believes in what he’s doing, he automatically considers any critic as someone slowing his progress. He criticizes and insults them to diminish their opinions that he sees as wrong. He’s actually defending what he sees as the truth. Also, he’s a New Yorker who grew up rich and never had to put up with anything from anybody. He doesn’t believe in political correctness and says what he thinks. That can be interpreted as a good thing—as being honest. He doesn’t tell you what you want to hear like most politicians.

Not “presidential” meaning not regal. (King-like, dignified.) We don’t have royalty in this country. Isn’t it more important to have a CEO type leader with business experience who gets good things done for Americans, starting with security and a good economy?

Adams: “(Many things he’s criticized for) are part of his part of his persuasive toolbox. Being persuasive is an important characteristic for presidents. They need to listen to experts then help sell the best solutions to Congress and the public.” Adams goes on to say, “Trump sells better than anyone you have ever seen. And you can’t deny his persuasion talents that have gotten him this far.”

His campaign slogan Make America Great Again is an example. Trump opponents read into all kinds of nefarious things. But it’s merely a persuasive way to encapsulate such objectives as:

-Bring back many of the jobs that have left America by making our country a place companies from all over the world want to do business

-Make our businesses more competitive around the world

-Unleash our energy capabilities to make America energy independent

-Improve America’s trade deals and alliances

Questions to ask yourself when you hear President Trump criticized are, “Who’s saying that? Is it a Trump hating Democrat? Do they have a background in persuasion, leadership, business, deal making, negotiating, selling, promoting, and in general just knowing how to get large undertakings done? If not, they aren’t qualified to criticize someone who’s an expert in those fields with many successes to show for it. And how accurate have his critics been?”

Scott Adams emphasizes that everyone has a world view they believe to be correct. The only way to evaluate a world view is how well does it predict the future. How has the world view of the professional political class and Mainstream Media done on predicting Trump’s success? Their world view was that Trump was Hitler and that he lacked the intelligence, the commitment, and the talent to win. Trumps win and subsequent actions proved their world view had been totally wrong.

Adams again: “They were wrong about the voters in swing states. They were wrong to trust the polls. They were wrong to underestimate Trump’s intelligence. They were wrong to underestimate his campaign’s effectiveness. They were wrong about his need to do traditional advertising. They were wrong about his ground game. They were wrong in thinking that his provocative statements would end him. They were wrong to believe that his alleged scandals would end him. They were wrong about his tweeting being a bad idea. They were wrong that Trump would cause down-ticket Republicans to lose. They were wrong about just about everything. They were so wrong that Republicans came to occupy the White House, control Congress, and eventually control the Supreme Court. That is wrongness on a scale you rarely see.”

“Before the Master Persuader was done with the election, he would also remake the Republican Party in his own image, eviscerate the mainstream media’s credibility, and leave the Democratic Party in ruins. The Clinton and Bush dynasties would be charred wrecks on the sides of the road.”

4. President Trump’s Accomplishments

Special Note: To see the truth about the president's handling of the pandemic, there is a summary here:


an update here


and more detail here:


Before highlighting President Trump's non-virus accomplishments, we first note that Democrats have obstructed many efforts that would benefit Americans.

They have failed to come up with any areas where they’ll work with President Trump to lower medicine prices for our families and seniors. They have failed to do anything to help rebuild our country’s crumbling infrastructure. And they continue to ignore loopholes in our immigration laws that drive the border crisis, fuel human smuggling, and hurt both U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.

In spite of the Democrats’ obstructive behavior and their obsession with removing him from office, the President had many significant accomplishments. This site has a detailed list.


Here are some highlights:

Economy and Trade

Tax cuts and repeal of thousands of business strangling regulations have led to:

  • Booming economy

  • Record breaking stock markets benefiting everyone with a pension, IRA, or 401K

  • Lowest EVER unemployment

  • Manufacturers boosting hiring, wages, benefits, and investments

  • More than 600,000 new manufacturing jobs added since his election

  • Lowest ever unemployment in almost all demographics including black, Hispanic, LGBT, disabled, veterans, those without a high school degree

  • Lowest women unemployment in 70 years (WW II)

  • Small business optimism hit an all-time high

  • Blue collar, middle class boom

  • Real disposable personal income per household has increased $5,205 and the lowest wage earners have seen the fastest nominal wage growth (8.9%).

  • People collecting food stamps has declined more than 2 million

  • Household income at an all-time high

  • Consumer confidence hit the highest in 18 years

  • U.S. is becoming energy independent (by ending Obama-era regulations, approving the Keystone pipeline, auctioning off millions of new acres for energy exploration)

  • Expanded opportunity zones which encourage long term investments in low income and rural communities, benefitting minorities and farmers.

  • Better trade agreements with Mexico and Canada—USMCA announced 12/10/19

  • Better trade deal with China—Phase 1 deal announced 12/13/19

Other Accomplishments

  • Destroyed ISIS by crushing them in Iraq and Syria. The top two leaders are dead.

  • Attacked the illegal immigration crisis with every weapon he has to achieve the same goals Democrats have had for years:

  • Achieved peace in Korea (A Sep. 2018 Associated Press tweet: BREAKING: Kim Jong Un reportedly tells visiting South Korean leader that summit with Trump stabilized regional political situation.)

  • Pushed for, and signed into law, sweeping prison reforms backed by leaders of the African-American community.

  • Created the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative to improve educational and economic opportunities for Hispanic Americans.

  • Withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord which was a bad deal for the U.S. –very costly with little payoff. Here’s a clip with more detail:


  • Cancelled the disastrous Iran deal which awarded $150 billion to Iran and allowed them to keep their nuclear program. Here’s a clip with more detail:


  • Launched a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay.


  • Attacked the opioid crisis with initiatives, legislation, and making it part of the China trade negotiations


  • At this site


we see that the president has made women's empowerment a central focus of U.S and foreign policy.

-In 2017 he signed the Women, Peace, and Security Act

-In 2019 he established the Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative

-The Trump tax cuts doubled the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,000 while expanding eligibility

-He pushed for and signed into law the largest ever expansion of the Child Care and Development Block Grants to states and is the first president to include a national paid leave program in all of his annual budgets

-The Trump administration is using the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act to prosecute websites that facilitate human trafficking.

-The president established a task force to help combat the tragedy of missing or murdered Native American girls

-For the first time ever, half of the National Security Council’s leadership is made up of women, with 12 of its 24 directorates being led by women.

  • Made more NATO member members pay their fair share (when he took office only 3 of 30 countries were paying their fair share. As of December 2019 it’s 8 and is expected to be 18 in four years)

  • Has strengthened our defense while being slow to go to war

  • Is de-politicizing the intelligence community and Justice Department.

  • Has donated all but $1 of his annual salary to government departments including; National Park Service, Education, Veterans Affairs, Small Business Administration, Dept. of Health and Human Services to fight the Coronavirus

  • Using his executive authority to reduce barriers to more affordable healthcare options for Americans and U.S. businesses.

  • Secured a permanent ceasefire in Northeast Syria.

  • Established the Space Force as a new branch or the Armed Forces.

  • Held a mental health summit to improve early detection of mental illness, provide more hospitals, and allow for easier commitment. Liberal author D.J. Jaffee says the president and Republicans are doing more for the mentally ill than Democrats because the latter redirect the money available to other people in need.

  • Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel by relocating our Embassy there. (Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama all campaigned on doing this but didn’t follow through.)

  • In August 2020 secured the first agreement to normalize relations between Israel and a major Arab country (UAE) in decades.

When considering the benefits of Donald Trump as president, consider this. The American people have benefited from the efforts of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner who are working for no salary.

Ivanka has worked tirelessly on workforce development, women’s empowerment around the world, and paid family leave.

From this article:


Jared Kushner, who works full time for the Administration, has:

-Helped broker peace in the Middle East

-Was the architect of the criminal justice reform bill

-Helped negotiate the trade deal with Mexico

-Runs the “Office of American Innovation” dedicated to revamping how the government works.

-Works on other projects such as cutting government regulations on businesses, expanding school-choice programs, and increasing investment in poor urban neighborhoods.

2020 Accomplishments

Killed the number one terrorist in the world Qasem Soleimani who was plotting attacks on American diplomats and military personnel.

The Trump administration invested $900 million in rural electric infrastructure.

The administration worked with other countries around the world to advance equal rights and progress for women.

President Trump signed an executive order to prevent Americans from being displaced by foreign workers and offshore labor.

President Trump signed an executive order expanding access to telehealth services to ensure rural Americans access to healthcare.

The administration awarded more than $400 million in grants to end Veteran homelessness.

The administration awarded nearly $72 in support of carbon capture technologies.

The administration awarded $2.24 billion in Ryan White HIV/AIDS grants providing essential services to improve the health quality of more than half a million people with AIDS.

The administration awarded $24 million in grants to expand education options for American Indian and Alaska native students.

5. Bottom Line –How Should We Judge President Trump

President Trump may not be perfect. People may not like what he says or how he says it. But the question to ask is, “Is he right?” More often than not he is. In general, his perceived flaws are not really important compared to his actions.

His actions indicate that he is genuinely interested in and focused on helping improve America for all Americans. His accomplishments indicate he is very good at getting that done. Considering that he has had almost no Democrat support since he took office, his performance could not have been better. That’s what really counts when judging a president.
