Media, Academia, and Online Bias

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The Mainstream media (MSM) including ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Time magazine, the highly influential newspapers in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and Boston and most other large daily newspapers are strongly biased toward the left. Their news is mostly talking points of the Democrat Party.

Specifically, MSM (and Democrats) are using black and white thinking, emotionally charged labels and slogans, generalizations and oversimplifications, opinions disguised as facts, selective reporting, half-truths and lies/hoaxes to constantly support Democrat positions and unfairly smear President Trump.

Perhaps the single most important example of media bias (because it probably cost President Trump the election) was their suppression of the Tony Bobulinski press conference preceding the second presidential debate. After the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was revealed, Bobulinski, a very credible witness testified that he met with Joe Biden regarding his son’s Chinese business dealings and that Joe was financially involved.

Academia, Google, and Facebook also have a strong left, anti-Trump bias, and are influencing millions of Americans in that direction.

Because of leftists in Academia, a recent poll reveals that 70% of millennials would likely vote for a socialist candidate. Furthermore, 19% of them see The Communist Manifesto as a surer guarantee of freedom and equality than the Declaration of Independence, and 15% think that the world would be a better place if the Soviet Union still existed.

Americans, who get their news and beliefs from MSM, university professors, and/or liberal newspapers have not heard the truth on most of today’s important issues. As a result, they have formed their opinions on Republican positions and President Trump based on biased, incomplete, and even false information.

Media liberal bias has never been so obvious as in the coverage of protests following the death of George Floyd--99.3% of ABC, CBS, and NBC’s first week coverage of the protests ignored the protestors' murder victims, numbering at least 10. The violent rioting, looting and destruction of property was also downplayed by the media who consistently focused on the peaceful protestors . (The damages resulting from Minneapolis’s unrest alone is established to be more than $500 million with more than 1,500 buildings damaged.) Top news editors at major newspapers have been forced out of their jobs for publishing articles that didn't meet democrat narratives.

Because the MSM has a liberal, democrat bias, they engage in selective reporting—presenting only information that supports their narratives and leaving out information that opposes them. When it comes to President Trump, their articles and reports are never about his accomplishments but what they claim went wrong, what they claim could have been done better. Race and politics increasingly divide Americans, and selective media reporting is largely to blame. The media, not Trump, is fanning the flames of divisiveness and violence. The destruction and the long-term harm that is being done to heavily minority parts of our cities is their responsibility.

A left-biased media also interferes with our election process and is a threat to our democracy. Why? Because in a Democracy it is important that the electorate be as informed (with the truth) as possible so they can make good decisions.

To get more balanced news, watch Fox News, watch conservative videos at Prager U., and/or follow conservatives on Twitter (several suggestions are listed below).


The Mainstream media (MSM) is strongly biased toward the left. Their news is mostly talking points of the Democrat Party and is filled with propaganda and pseudo-events. Specifically, MSM (and Democrats) are using black and white thinking, emotionally charged labels and slogans, generalizations and oversimplifications, opinions disguised as facts, selective reporting, half-truths and lies/hoaxes (see Trump Hoaxes page on this site for detail) to constantly support Democrat positions and unfairly smear President Trump and Republican positions. Most major newspapers, Academia, and Google and Facebook also have a strong left, anti-Trump bias, and are influencing millions of Americans in that direction. The rest of this section proves these claims.

Perhaps the single most important example of media bias (because it probably cost President Trump the election) was their suppression of the Tony Bobulinski press conference preceding the second presidential debate. After the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was revealed, Bobulinski, a very credible witness testified that he met with Joe Biden regarding his son’s Chinese business dealings and that Joe was financially involved.

This link presents the following three paragraphs from a May 2020 Wall Street Journal op-ed by Van Gordon Sauter, former President of CBS news:

“The highly influential daily newspapers in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and Boston are now decidedly liberal. On the home screen, the three broadcast network divisions (ABC, CBS, NBC) still have their liberal tilt. Two (CNN and MSNBC) of the three (FOX is the third) leading cable news sources are unrelentingly liberal in their fear and loathing of President Trump.

News organizations that claim to be neutral have long been creeping leftward, and their loathing of Mr. Trump has accelerated the pace. The news media is catching up with the liberalism of the professoriate, the entertainment industry, upscale magazines and the literary world. Recent arrivals are the late-night TV hosts who have broken the boundaries of what was considered acceptable political humor for networks.

To many journalists, objectivity, balance and fairness—once the gold standard of reporting—are not mandatory in a divided political era and in a country they believe to be severely flawed.”

At the following link is this diagram assembled by the well-known moderate Sharyl Attkisson at the following link. On the far-left side are MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, LA Times, Washington Post, New York Times, the AP, and Time.

To check the bias of many other news sources go to this site:

The diagram can be confirmed at the same site where more detail is given on how the bias is shown. For example, the comments on CNN, MSNBC, and NEWSWEEK include: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

The comments on NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and TIME magazine include: These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words to favor liberal causes.

Here are CNN and MSNBC using the same narratives and terminology for two years to report totally fake news:

Here a CNN insider secretly records proof of the networks strong anti-Trump bias:

Here a senior ABC correspondent admits that he is a socialist (4:20), says “fake news abounds” (1:48) and says “We also don’t give him (Trump) credit for what things he does do.” (2:00)

Only two (Las Vegas Review-Journal and Jacksonville’s Florida Times-Union) of the largest 100 newspapers in the country endorsed Donald Trump, so your newspaper is probably biased against him.

In a clip here, highly respected journalist Lara Logan decries how “one single political ideology” dominates almost all academic institutions and how that same ideology has created a near-uniform political ideology in the field of journalism. Earlier in the year she said: “Although the media has always been left-leaning, we’ve abandoned our pretense or at least the effort to be objective today…We’ve become political activists, and some could argue propagandists…”

For a brilliant discussion of media bias, watch this Brandon Straka clip

For specific proof of MSM bias against President Trump see the Trump Hoaxes page on this website.

In the Sauter article above, he mentions “the liberalism of the professoriate.” Academia has a strong left bias. This link states that in 2016 the ratio of liberal to conservative professors was 28:1 in New England and 6:1 nationally.

This link states that 39% of 51 top-ranked liberal arts colleges have zero registered Republicans on their faculties. In the 51 communications departments (where journalists are trained) there are 108 Democrats and zero Republicans.

This November 2019 link

cites a recent poll revealing that 70% of millennials would likely vote for a socialist candidate. Furthermore, 19% of them see The Communist Manifesto as a surer guarantee of freedom and equality than the Declaration of Independence, and 15% think that the world would be a better place if the Soviet Union still existed. The article author asks, “Given the massive evidence of the positive effects of capitalism and the disastrous results of socialism, a resurgence of communism should have been impossible. How could it happen?”

He concludes: “The answer is straightforward: Teachers and professors are bombarding students with communist propaganda. They teach that the U.S. was founded on slavery while conveniently overlooking the fact that western civilization is the only one in the world to have successfully abolished slavery. They teach that Hitler was the vilest person ever to have existed but conveniently forget to mention that Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ceausescu, Mugabe, Barre, and Castro together killed far more than 100 million people and enslaved many more across four continents. The professors are not doing this out of ignorance. After World War II, when it became clear that Marxism could never compete with capitalism as an economic system, the radical left formulated a strategy of achieving their utopia by taking over the educational institutions and indoctrinating children with their worldview.”

He goes on to point out that leftists have been open about this goal for decades. In the 1960s, German communist Rudi Dutschke formulated the slogan the “long march through the institutions.” He described it as a way of creating the necessary conditions for a communist revolution by infiltrating said institutions. One of the prominent figures of the so-called Frankfurt School in America, Herbert Marcuse, agreed with this strategy in 1971: “[I] regard your notion of the ‘long march through the institutions’ as the only effective way … ”

This November 2019 link

reinforces the previous one. It states: “According to a 2015 poll , support for socialism grows from 48% among those with a high school diploma or less to 62% among college graduates to 78% among those with post-graduate degrees. Those on the left probably stop thinking hard about now and jump immediately to the conclusion that support for socialism is just a natural outgrowth of big brains and elite educations. But there is, in fact, a less obvious but ultimately far more compelling explanation that also manages to account for the general fact that more education correlates with more leftism: something — something bad — is happening at universities themselves to pull students toward the (far) left.” The link goes on to cite a comprehensive National Association of Scholars report from April 2018 which found that of 8,688 tenure-track, Ph.D.-holding professors from 51 of U.S. News & World Report’s 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges, “78.2 percent of the academic departments have either zero Republicans, or so few as to make no difference.” The article concludes: “Predictably, given the composition of the professoriate, survey data also indicates that students’ political views drift further leftward between freshman and senior year.

Here’s a list of 50 actual college courses that prove that America’s universities are training students to become socialists

Google and Facebook also have a strong liberal bias:

In this clip, Dr. Robert Epstein, former editor in chief of Psychology Today who voted for Hillary Clinton testifies at a Senate Judiciary subcommittee that his multi-year research proved that Google manipulation of search influenced 2.6-10.4 million voters in favor of Hillary Clinton. He also implicated Facebook for testing “go vote reminders” to Democrats only.

Watch Google executives reacted to Trump’s election in a large staff meeting. The video features co-founders Larry Page and Brin, VPs Kent Walker and Eileen Naughton, CFO Ruth Porat, and CEO Sundar Pichai.

Here a Facebook employee discusses the company’s bias against conservatives:

Here’s another Facebook employee identifying rampant censorship of conservative content by Facebook content moderators.

Media liberal bias has never been so obvious as in the coverage of protests following the death of George Floyd.

This article documents how 99.3% of ABC, CBS, and NBC’s first week coverage of the protests ignored the mob’s murder victims, numbering at least 10.

The violent rioting, looting, destruction of property and deaths were also downplayed by the media who consistently focused on the peaceful protestors.

The rioting and looting started in Minneapolis then from the following Wikipedia link "Demonstrations in many other cities also descended into riots and widespread looting." "As of July 5, 2020, at least 29 people have died during the unrest, with 25 due to gunshot wounds.",25%20due%20to%20gunshot%20wounds.

The extent of the violence and crime in all the democrat controlled large cities nationwide can be inferred from the Minnesota governor’s request for assistance in rebuilding and repairing the state’s infrastructure. The damages resulting from Minneapolis’s unrest is established to be more than $500 million with more than 1,500 buildings damaged.

In the following two links we see that

1. the New York Times editorial page editor was forced to resign after publishing an op-ed that advocated sending in troops to quell the riots. The pressure came mostly from the Times’ staff.


2. the top news editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, also resigned following the publication of a headline entitled "Buildings Matter, Too" that drew condemnation from readers and the newspaper's staff.

Because the MSM has a liberal, democrat bias, they engage in selective reporting—presenting only information that supports their narratives and leaving out information that opposes them. When it comes to President Trump, their articles and reports are never about his accomplishments but what they claim went wrong, what they claim could have been done better.

As this article states: “Race and politics increasingly divide Americans, and selective media reporting is largely to blame. The media, not Trump, is fanning the flames of violence. The destruction and the long-term harm that is being done to heavily minority parts of our cities is their responsibility.”

Bottom Line: Americans who get their news and beliefs from MSM, university professors, and/or liberal newspapers have not heard the truth on most of today’s important issues. As a result, they have formed their opinions on Republican positions and President Trump based on biased, incomplete, and even false information.

A left-biased media interferes with our election process and is a threat to our democracy. Why? Because in a Democracy it is important that the electorate be as informed (with the truth) as possible so they can make good decisions.

See the Bringing Left and Right Together page on this website for suggestions on how to identify your invalid biases and work toward determining the truth.

In addition to this website, one way to get news that balances left biased MSM is to watch Fox News. When Obama was president, they were the TV news channel that minimized and challenged whatever the president did and spread conspiracy theories.

But now with their candidate in the White House, they are more truthful than any of the MSM who now is guilty of minimizing and challenging President Trump’s accomplishments and spreading conspiracy theories. Yes, Fox has conservative viewpoints, but they are honest about it and frequently have Democrat guests on to express their opinions. Fox’s show “The Five” has a Democrat on the panel. Fox does not have to resort to “fake” news because they can please their base by honestly reporting the news from a conservative point of view and being what Tucker Carlson describes as “the sworn enemy of (Democrat) lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.”

Other good ways to get news that balances left biased MSM is to watch the conservative videos at Prager U. and to follow the people on Twitter who excel at countering fake, misleading, and incomplete “news” from MSM. People such as (in alphabetical order):

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays Author of Win Bigly and Loserthink who takes a rational look at the news every day.

Dan Bongino @dbongino Host of the Dan Bongino Show , author of Spygate and many other books.

Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a non-profit organization whose mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote freedom, author of The Maga Doctrine.

Kevin McCarthy @kevinomccarthy House Republican Leader.

Devin Nunes @DevinNunes Chair of the House Intelligence Committee from 2015 to 2019.

Candace Owens @RealCandaceO A former Democrat who founded Blexit (Black Exit), a movement to convince black Americans to exit the .Democratic party, and author of Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation.

Brandon Straka @BrandonStraka A Hillary Clinton voter who founded the #WalkAway campaign when he discovered how he’d been betrayed by MSM and the Democratic Party.

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr Author of Triggered.

and, yes,

President Trump @realDonaldTrump